TGT1XMINI Teaching Gel Tank
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Cleaver Scientific
These industry standard tanks come in three sizes -to run six gels, four gels or a single gel. The gel trays are UV transparent and measure 7x7cm, each tank comes with two combs and two casting dams per gel tray. Supplied with highly flexible cable and connectors which are CE compliant, providing complete electrical isolation and safety. They have a special manufactured safety cover, which completely covers the tank of the system, making it one of the safest available.
TGT4XMINI Teaching Gel Tank
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Cleaver Scientific
These industry standard tanks come in three sizes -to run six gels, four gels or a single gel. The gel trays are UV transparent and measure 7x7cm, each tank comes with two combs and two casting dams per gel tray. Supplied with highly flexible cable and connectors which are CE compliant, providing complete electrical isolation and safety. They have a special manufactured safety cover, which completely covers the tank of the system, making it one of the safest available.

TGT6XMINI Teaching Gel Tank
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Cleaver Scientific
These industry standard tanks come in three sizes -to run six gels, four gels or a single gel. The gel trays are UV transparent and measure 7x7cm, each tank comes with two combs and two casting dams per gel tray. Supplied with highly flexible cable and connectors which are CE compliant, providing complete electrical isolation and safety. They have a special manufactured safety cover, which completely covers the tank of the system, making it one of the safest available.

TGT8XMINI Teaching Gel Tank
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Cleaver Scientific
These industry standard tanks come in four sizes -to run eight, six, four or a single gel. The gel trays are UV transparent and measure 7x7cm, each tank comes with two combs and two casting dams per gel tray. Supplied with highly flexible cable and connectors which are CE compliant, providing complete electrical isolation and safety. They have a special manufactured safety cover, which completely covers the tank of the system, making it one of the safest available.

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Thermocyclers are widely used in molecular biology, clinical diagnosis, criminal investigation, and infectious disease research, among other fields. They are essential laboratory equipment for researchers who run polymerase chain reactions (PCR) for sequencing, cloning, genotyping, mutagenesis, and many other applications.
• Excellent temperature control system
• Fast heating and cooling rate
• Consistent and uniform sealing across entire heating block
• Intuitive touch-screen user interface
Please contact us for pricing and availability.

Vortex Mixer
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The Vortex Mixer is suitable for a variety of applications, from gentle mixing to vigorous resuspension of biological and chemical components in liquids. It is widely used in the fields of life science and physical and chemical analysis.
• Orbital mixing movement
• Speed range: 0 – 2500 rpm, stepless speed settings
• Touch and continuous operation settings
• Cast aluminum base and specially designed vacuum suction feet keep the mixer stable
• Various adapters and accessories available for use with tubes of different sizes (sold separately)
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Cleaver Scientific
The new VS20 WAVE Maxi System is Cleaver Scientifics latest product innovation for large format vertical gel electrophoresis. Designed to perform a variety of separations, including first and second-dimension SDS-PAGE, native, preparative, gradient and high-resolution nucleic acid electrophoresis, plus capillary tube gel IEF and electroblotting, the VS20 WAVE is one of the most versatile maxi vertical systems available.

WAVE Maxi Tube Gel Insert
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Cleaver Scientific
The VS20 WAVE 2-D tube gel system provides all necessary components for 2-D electrophoresis using capillary ampholyte tube gels:
- Interchangeable modular inserts run capillary tube gels for first-dimension IEF and vertical slab gels for second-dimension SDS-PAGE using the same universal tank and lid
- Detachable cooling coil, which connects to the laboratory water supply or a recirculating chiller, enables application of high voltages to achieve precise, high-resolution focusing for pI determination

WAVETETRAD Maxi 4-Gel Package
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Cleaver Scientific
Whether you require a package to match the market leader, to address any budget or vertical electrophoresis technique; Cleaver Scientific now offer the ultimate range of Combination Packages that will meet your needs.
Package includes:
- WAVESYS-CU – VS20 WAVE Maxi, 20 x 20cm Dual, 2 sets of plain glass plates with 1mm thick bonded spacers, 2 set of notched glass plates 2 x 24 sample, 1mm thick combs, cooling coil, dummy plate; includes caster and external casting upstand
- VS20NGS1 – 2 packs of 2x notched glass plates with 1mm bonded spacers
- VS20-24-1 – 2 additional 1mm 24-sample combs

WAVETETRAD Maxi 4-Gel Package with Power Supply
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Cleaver Scientific
Whether you require a package to match the market leader, to address any budget or vertical electrophoresis technique; Cleaver Scientific now offer the ultimate range of Combination Packages that will meet your needs.
WAVETETRAD1-PP500 Package includes:
- WAVESYS-CU- VS20 WAVE Maxi, 20 x 20cm Dual, 2 sets of plain glass plates with 1mm thick bonded spacers, 2 set of notched glass plates 2 x 24 sample, 1mm thick combs, cooling coil, dummy plate; includes caster and external casting upstand
- VS20NGS1 – 2 packs of 2x notched glass plates with 1mm bonded spacers
- VS20-24-1 – 2 additional 1mm 24-sample combs
- PowerPro 500 – 500V, 800mA, 300W maxi programmable power supply
Multi Sub Horizontal Gel System
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Cleaver Scientific
The new multisub Mini One is an all in one horizontal electrophoresis unit. Featuring a built in power supply with voltage options of 35V, 50V and 100V, the MSMINIONE is a versatile system suitable for a wide range of applications. A built in timer for runs from 0-99 minutes means you can set up your parameters and leave the system to complete the run automatically without fear of loosing bands.
The system comes complete with 2 gel casters for wide and mini gels as well as reversible combs for high throughput or high sample volume.
Includes multiSUB™miniONE electrophoresis system with Built in power supply 2 x MSO-UVL, 4 x MSO-UVS, 1 x MSO-GCL, 1 x MSO-GCS, 2 x MSO-1-5/9DS, 2 x MSO-1-12/22DS.