1 kb DNA Ladder, NEB
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New England Biolabs
This 1 kb DNA ladder is available in Quick-Load Purple format – enjoy the convenience of a ready-to-load format.
1 kb DNA ladder from New England Biolabs (NEB) is suitable for use with molecular weight standard for agarose gel electrophoresis. A number of proprietary plasmids are digested to completion with appropriate restriction enzymes to yield 10 bands, ranging from 0.5 to 10 kilobases. NEB set 3.0 kb fragment as a reference band by increasing the intensity of that band.
- Size range: 500 bp to 10 kb
- Value pricing
- Supplied with a free vial of Gel Loading Dye, Purple (6X), no SDS (NEB #B7025).
- Easy to identify reference bands
- Small size suitable for 200 gel lanes; large size suitable for 1000 gel lanes

1 kb Plus DNA Ladder, NEB
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New England Biolabs
This 1kb plus DNA ladder, NEB was previously named the 2-Log DNA Ladder. There have been no changes to product formulation or specifications. This product is available in Quick-Load Purple format – enjoy the convenience of a ready-to-load format.
A single convenient ladder for 100 bp up to 10 kb (100 bp and 1 kb ladder in one!)
- Value pricing
- Supplied with a free vial of Gel Loading Dye, Purple (6X), no SDS (NEB #B7025)
- Easy to identify reference bands
- Small size suitable for 200 gel lanes; large size suitable for 1000 gel lanes

100 bp DNA Ladder, NEB
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New England Biolabs
This product is available in Quick-Load Purple format – enjoy the convenience of a ready-to-load format.
- Size range: 100 bp – 1,517 bp
- Supplied with free vial of Gel Loading Dye, Purple (6X), no SDS (NEB #B7025).
- Easy-to-identify reference bands
- Value pricing
- Small size suitable for 100 gel lanes; large size suitable for 500 gel lanes

50 bp DNA Ladder, NEB
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New England Biolabs
This product is available in our Quick-Load Purple format – enjoy the convenience of a ready-to-load format.
- Size range: 50 bp – 1350 bp
- Supplied with a free vial of Gel Loading Dye, Purple (6X), no SDS (NEB #B7025)
- Easy-to-identify reference bands
- Small size suitable for 200 gel lanes; large size suitable for 1000 gel lanes

Blue Prestained Protein Standard, Broad Range (11-250kDa)
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New England Biolabs
This product is a direct replacement of NEB# P7706 (Blue Prestained Protein Standard, Broad Range 11-190 kDa).
The Blue Prestained Protein Standard, Broad Range is a mixture of highly pure, recombinant, prestained proteins, covalently coupled with a blue chromophore, that resolves into 11 sharp bands when electrophoresed.
– Allows approximate molecular weight determination when performing SDS-PAGE analysis.
– Applications include verification of Western transfer efficiency on membranes and fluorescent imaging of SDS-PAGE.
– Direct loading, additional loading buffer and heat incubation not required
– Recombinant proteins with no detectable protease contaminating activities
– Optimal stability for up to 24 months

Color Prestained Protein Standard, Broad Range (10-250 kDa)
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New England Biolabs
The Color Prestained Protein Standard, Broad Range is a mixture of highly pure, recombinant, prestained proteins, covalently coupled with a blue chromophore, and two reference bands (one orange and one green at 72 kDa and 26 kDa, respectively), that resolves into 11 sharp bands when electrophoresed.
- Allows approximate molecular weight determination when performing SDS-PAGE analysis
- Applications include verification of Western transfer efficiency on membranes and fluorescent imaging of SDS-PAGE
- Direct loading, additional loading buffer and heat incubation not required
- Recombinant proteins with no detectable protease contaminating activities
- Optimal stability for up to 24 months
Login to see pricesBrand:
Cleaver Scientific
This simple kit will enable you to teach the principles behind gel electrophoresis. The kit contains five DNA samples labelled A to E, two of which are identical, with enough reagents to run two sets of six gels. The students will be able to run their own agarose gel and view the DNA after the samples have migrated through the gel. The DNA samples can be viewed on a standard UV transilluminator or using the totally sage blue light LED devices.

dsRNA Ladder – 25 gel lanes
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New England Biolabs
The dsRNA Ladder is a set of 7 annealed double-stranded RNA molecules produced by in vitro transcription of 14 linear DNA templates. The ladder sizes are: 500, 300, 150, 80, 50, 30 and 21 base pairs. All have 2-base, 3´ extensions. The 80 base pair fragment is at double intensity to serve as a reference point.
This ladder is suitable for use as a size standard in dsRNA and RNAi analysis on both non-denaturing polyacrylamide and agarose gels.
Dye Kit
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Cleaver Scientific
This simple kit will enable you to teach the principles behind gel electrophoresis without the need to view the samples on a UV or blue light transilluminator. The kit contains five dye samples labelled A to E with enough reagents to run two sets of six gels. Vial A contains a dye marker consisting all 4 dyes. The other vials B to E contain a single dye. When the samples are loaded into a gel and run on an electrophoresis unit the students will be able to watch the different coloured dyes separate by the size of the molecules, so simulating how DNA separates by different molecular weight.

Low Molecular Weight DNA Ladder
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New England Biolabs
This product is available in our Quick-Load Purple format – enjoy the convenience of a ready-to-load format.
- Size range: 25 bp to 766 bp
- Value pricing
- Supplied with free vial of Gel Loading Dye, Purple (6X), no SDS (NEB #B7025).
- Easy to identify reference bands
- Small size suitable for 100 gel lanes; large size suitable for 500 gel lanes

Low Range ssRNA Ladder
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New England Biolabs
The Low Range ssRNA Ladder is a set of 6 RNA molecules produced by in vitro transcription of a mixture of 6 linear DNA templates. The ladder sizes are: 1000, 500, 300, 150, 80 and 50 bases. The 300 base fragment is at double intensity to serve as a reference band. This ladder is suitable for use as an ssRNA size standard on denaturing polyacrylamide-urea gels, and on denaturing or native agarose gels.
- Size range: 50 bases – 1,000 bases
- Compatible with denaturing polyacrylamide-urea gels, denaturing agarose gels and native agarose gels
- Convenient reference band at 300 bases

microRNA Marker
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New England Biolabs
- Contains 2 synthetic oligonucleotides: 17, 21 and 25 residues
- Convenient, ready-to-load format
- For use with denaturing polyacrylamide gels and Northern blots

PCR Marker
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New England Biolabs
- Size range: 50 bp to 766 bp
- Value pricing
- Supplied with free vial of Gel Loading Dye, Purple (6X), no SDS (NEB #B7025).
- Easy to identify reference bands
- Small size suitable for 100 gel lanes; large size suitable for 500 gel lanes

proBLUE DNA Stain
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Cleaver Scientific
Agarose electrophoresis of DNA requires a staining step in order to visualise the DNA fragments. This can be done safely using methylene blue solution. Methylene blue binds to negatively charged DNA making DNA visible as blue bands within agarose following electrophoresis. Methylene blue solution is provided as a 10x concentrate. To use, dilute 10x concentrate by mixing one part of methylene blue with nine parts of water (Eg. 100 ml of 10x concentrate added to 900 ml water).

Quick-Load 1 kb DNA Ladder
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New England Biolabs
This product is available in Quick-Load Purple format – enjoy sharper bands, no UV shadow, and a lower price.
- Size range: 500 bp to 10 kb
- Convenient, ready-to-load format
- Formulated with bromophenol blue dye
- Easy to identify reference bands

Quick-Load 1 kb Extend DNA Ladder – 125 gel lanes
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New England Biolabs
- Size range: 0.5 kb to 48.5 kb
- Convenient, ready-to-load format
- Formulated with bromophenol blue dye
- Easy to identify reference bands
- Suitable for 125 gel lanes

Quick-Load 100 bp DNA Ladder
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New England Biolabs
This product is available in Quick-Load Purple format – enjoy sharper bands, no UV shadow, and a lower price.
- Size range: 100 bp to 1,517 bp
- Convenient, ready-to-load format
- Formulated with bromophenol blue dye
- Easy to identify reference bands
- Small size suitable for 125 gel lanes; large size suitable for 375 gel lanes

Quick-Load 1kb Plus DNA Ladder – 250 gel lanes
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New England Biolabs
This product was previously named the Quick-Load® 2-Log DNA Ladder. There have been no changes to product formulation or specifications.This product is available in Quick-Load Purple format – enjoy sharper bands, no UV shadow, and a lower price.
- Size range: 100 bp to 10 kb
- Convenient, ready-to-load format
- Formulated with bromophenol blue dye
- Easy to identify reference bands
- Suitable for 250 gel lanes

Quick-Load Purple 1 kb DNA Ladder – 125 gel lanes, NEB
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New England Biolabs
Quick-Load Purple 1kb DNA Ladder, NEB is a molecular weight DNA marker with one tracking dye. It is a pre-mixed and a ready-to-load DNA ladder, which provides convenience to you.
Features of Quick-Load Purple 1kb DNA Ladder, NEB:
- Convenient, ready-to-load format utilizing NEB’s proprietary purple loading dye
- Size range: 500 bp to 10 kb
- Sharp bands
- No UV Shadow
- Easy to identify reference bands
- Now supplied with 1 vial of Gel Loading Dye, Purple (6X), no SDS (NEB #B7025)

Quick-Load Purple 100 bp DNA Ladder – 125 gel lanes
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New England Biolabs
Quick-Load® Purple 100 bp DNA Ladder is a pre-mixed, ready-to-load molecular weight DNA marker containing one tracking dye. Tracking dye does not leave a shadow under UV light.
- Convenient, ready-to-load format with NEB’s proprietary purple loading dye
- Size range: 100 bp to 1,517 bp
- Sharp bands
- No UV Shadow
- Easy to identify reference bands
- Supplied with 1 vial of Gel Loading Dye, Purple (6X), no SDS (NEB #B7025)

Quick-Load Purple 1kb Plus DNA Ladder (0.1-10.0 kb) – 250 gel lanes
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New England Biolabs
This product was previously named the Quick-Load® Purple 2-Log DNA Ladder. There have been no changes to product formulation or specifications.
- Convenient, ready-to-load format with NEB’s proprietary purple loading dye
- Size range: 100 bp to 10 kb (100 bp and 1 kb ladder in one!)
- Sharp bands
- No UV Shadow
- Easy to identify reference bands
- Supplied with 1 vial of Gel Loading Dye, Purple (6X), no SDS (NEB #B7025)

Quick-Load Purple 50 bp DNA Ladder – 250 gel lanes
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New England Biolabs
- Convenient, ready-to-load format with NEB’s proprietary purple loading dye
- Size range: 50 bp to 1,350 bp
- Sharp bands
- No UV Shadow
- Easy to identify reference bands
- Supplied with 1 vial of Gel Loading Dye, Purple (6X), no SDS (NEB #B7025)
- Suitable for 250 gel lanes

Quick-Load Purple Low Molecular Weight DNA Ladder – 125 gel lanes
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New England Biolabs
- Convenient, ready-to-load format with NEB’s proprietary purple loading dye
- Size range: 25bp to 766 bp
- Sharp bands
- No UV Shadow
- Easy to identify reference bands
- Supplied with 1 vial of Gel Loading Dye, Purple (6X), no SDS (NEB #B7025)
- Suitable for 125 gel lanes

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Cleaver Scientific
RunSAFE is a non-mutagenic fluorescent reagent that produces instant visualization of DNA bands upon Blue Light or UV illumination of agarose gels. Supplied in 6X DNA Loading Buffer, CSL-runSAFE is used to prepare DNA markers and samples for loading on agarose or
polyacrylamide gels. It is the most sensitive stain available for detecting the double-stranded DNA (dsDNA). It contains three tracking dyes (Bromophenol Blue, Xylene Cyanol FF, and Orange G) for visually tracking the DNA migration during the electrophoresis process. It is ideal for the environment requiring a safe , non-hazardous alternative to Ethidium Bromide. Storage Store at 4°C up to 12 months. For longer periods, store at -20°C. runSAFE Dye is light sensitive and should be stored protected from light.