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Proteinase K, Molecular Biology Grade – 2 ml
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New England Biolabs
Proteinase K is a subtilisin-related serine protease that hydrolyzes a variety of peptide bonds and is frequently used to cleanup enzymatic reactions or cell lysates.
- Highly characterized for more consistent performance
- Optimal activity and stability for up to 24 months
- Active in a wide range of temperatures and buffers with optimal activity between 20 and 60°C and a pH between 7.5 and 12.0.
- No detectable endonuclease, exonuclease, DNase or RNase contaminating activities
Trypsin-digested BSA MS Standard (CAM-modified) – 500 pmol
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New England Biolabs
This standard is a complex mixture of peptides produced by the tryptic digest of reduced and alkylated Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA).
- Used to standardize MALDI-TOF or ESI mass spectrometers (TOF, Q-TOF, Ion Trap, or Orbitrap)
- Standardization range of 500-2400 Da
- Free of salts, glycerol and detergents
- Supplied lyophilized
- Optimal stability for up to 24 months
Trypsin-ultra Mass Spectrometry Grade – 100 ug
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New England Biolabs
Trypsin-ultra, Mass Spectrometry Grade is a serine endopeptidase, which selectively cleaves peptide bonds C-terminal to lysine and arginine residues. Trypsin-ultra cleaves at Lys-Pro and Arg-Pro bonds at a much slower rate than when Lys and Arg are N-terminal to other residues.
- Analyze complex proteomes with minimal autolysis
- Compatible for simultaneous co-digestion with PNGase F (NEB# P0709)
- Compatible for simultaneous co-digestion with Endoproteinase LysC (NEB# P8109)
- Suitable for both in-gel and solution digests
- Supplied lyophilized
- Optimal activity and stability for up to 12 months