Breast Cancer Genetics – Electrophoresis Education kit
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Cleaver Scientific
Breastcancer is the most common type of cancer. About 5-10% of all breast cancers areinherited. Mutations in the breast cancer 1 (BRCA1) gene greatly increase therisk of developing breast and ovarian cancer. This gene is found on chromosome17 and is normally responsible for DNA repair. It is therefore called a tumoursuppressor gene. Mutations in BRCA1 are dominant and so the presence of onecopy of a mutated form can cause an increased risk of cancer.
This experiment will test DNA of members of a family where the grandmother (generation 2) and her daughter(generation 3) both died of breast cancer. The deceased women had a mutation intheir BRCA1 gene.
Each kit included enough DNA, agarose gel, electrophoesis buffer and DNA stain for up to 8 groups of students (8 gels).
Key Features
- Whole experiment takes less that 1 hour.
- Great for introducing genetic diseases and genetic screening to students
- Works perfectly with Cleaver Scientific electrophoresis equipment
Cystic Fibrosis – Electrophoresis Education kit
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Cleaver Scientific
Cystic Fibrosis is one of the most common genetic conditions in the UK. In this educational kit, students will learn about the basis of the disease, and run an agarose gel to seperate DNA samples from healthy patients, carriers of the disease and CF patients.
Each kit included enough DNA, agarose gel, electrophoesis buffer and DNA stain for up to 8 groups of students (8 gels).
Key Features
- Whole experiment takes less that 1 hour
- Great for introducing genetic diseases and genetic screening to students
- Works perfectly with Cleaver Scientific electrophoresis equipment

DNA Fingerprinting – Electrophoresis Education kit
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Cleaver Scientific
Our DNA fingerprinting kit is the perfect tool to introduce students to the world of electrophoresis and forensic science. DNA fingerprinting is a laboratory technique used to establish a link between biological evidence and a suspect in a criminal investigation. A DNA sample taken from a crime scene is compared with a DNA sample from a suspect. If the two DNA profiles are a match, then the evidence came from that suspect. Conversely, if the two DNA profiles do not match, then the evidence cannot have come from the suspect.
Each kit contains DNA, agarose gel, electrophoresis buffer and DNA stain enough for 8 groups of students to cast and run the experiment and visualise the DNA separation. The gel takes approximately 5 minutes to load, 30 minutes to run and 15 minutes to stain, meaning the whole experiment can be completed in a one hour lesson, with convenient incubation periods for scientific discussion and teaching. Students will solve a crime using an unknown DNA sample from the crime scene and a series of suspects!
Key Features
- Perfect for 1 hour lessons
- Introduce students to DNA and forensic science
- Works perfectly with Cleaver Scientific equipment

Paternity Testing – Electrophoresis Education kit
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Cleaver Scientific
In this experiment, DNA from a mother, child and 2 possible fathers is seperated by electrophoresis to determine the paternity of the child. The human DNA is simulated with a series of unqiue fragments that form a profile for each sample, allowing students to identify the father based on the mother and childs seperation profiles.
This kit includes DNA, Agarose, electrophoresis buffer and DNA stain for 8 student groups.
Key Features
- Perfect for 1 hour lessons
- Introduce students to DNA and genetics
- Works perfectly with Cleaver Scientific equipment