Luna Universal Probe qPCR Master Mix
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New England Biolabs
Rapid, sensitive and precise probe-based qPCR detection and quantitation of target DNA and cDNA sequences.
Make a simpler choice
- One product per application simplifies selection
- Convenient master mix formats and user-friendly protocols simplify reaction setup
- Non-interfering, visible tracking dye helps to eliminate pipetting errors
Experience best-in-class performance
Luna Universal qPCR Master Mix
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New England Biolabs
Rapid, sensitive and precise dye-based qPCR detection and quantitation of target DNA and cDNA sequences.
Make a simpler choice
- One product per application simplifies selection
- Convenient master mix formats and user-friendly protocols simplify reaction setup
- Non-interfering, visible tracking dye helps to eliminate pipetting errors
Experience best-in-class performance

Luna® Cell Ready Lysis Module
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New England Biolabs
- Coordinated cell lysis, RNA release, and genomic DNA removal in a fast 15-minute protocol
- Effective cell lysis preparation from 10 to 100,000 cells across numerous cell lines
- Minimal sample loss compared to alternative RNA extraction methods, especially at low cell input
- Compatible with high-throughput applications: cell lysis can take place at room temperature
- Optimal performance when paired with Luna Universal One-Step RT-qPCR kits: NEB #E3005 (dye-based) or NEB #E3006 (probe-based)
- Complete lysis and one-step RT-qPCR workflow available: NEB #E3030 (dye-based) or NEB #E3031 (probe-based)

Luna® Cell Ready Probe One-Step RT-qPCR Kit
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New England Biolabs
Go direct from cells to RNA quantitation without purification
- Contains reagents for 100 lysis preps and 500 one-step RT-qPCR reactions (probe)
- Effective cell lysis preparation from 10 to 100,000 cells across numerous cell lines
- Coordinated cell lysis, RNA release, and genomic DNA removal in a fast 15-minute protocol
- Features Luna WarmStart® RT paired with Hot Start Taq for increased thermostability and room temperature setup
- Additional lysis preps available: Luna Cell Ready Lysis Module (NEB #E3032)

LunaScript®RT SuperMix Kit
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New England Biolabs
The LunaScript® RT SuperMix Kit is optimized for cDNA synthesis in a two-step RT-qPCR workflow.
Make a simpler choice
- Single-tube SuperMix contains random hexamer and oligo-dT primers, dNTPs, Murine RNase Inhibitor, and Luna® Reverse Transcriptase
- Non-interfering, visible tracking dye helps to eliminate pipetting errors
- Combine with Luna qPCR master mixes for robust RT-qPCR results
Experience best-in-class performance
Illuminate your two-step RT-qPCR

M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptase
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New England Biolabs
M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptase synthesizes a complementary DNA strand initiating from a primer using either RNA (cDNA synthesis) or single-stranded DNA as a template.
- Isolated from a recombinant source
- Supplied with 10X Reaction Buffer
- Tested for the absence of DNases and RNases

Magnesium Chloride (MgCl2) Solution – 6.0 ml
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New England Biolabs
25 mM MgCl2 for use in conjunction with polymerase reaction buffers.
- MgCl2 is available for use in conjunction with NEB’s polymerase reaction buffers
- Supplied as 4 x 1.5 ml vials

Magnesium Sulfate (MgSO4) Solution – 6.0 ml
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New England Biolabs
100 mM MgSO4 for use in conjunction with polymerase reaction buffers.
MetaPhorTM Agarose, Lonza
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MetaPhorTM Agarose, Lonza is a high resolution agarose that challenges polyacrylamide. MetaPhorTM Agarose is an intermediate melting temperature (75°C) agarose with twice the resolution capabilities of the finest-sieving agarose products. For example, a 200 bp DNA fragment can be separated from a 204 bp fragment. Using fast running protocols DNA differing in size by 1% can be resolved in as little as 1.5 hours in a 20 cm long horizontal or vertical gel format. MetaPhorTM Agarose gels (2% to 4%) approximate the resolution of polyacrylamide gels (4% to 8%). These agarose gels are ideal for resolving AMPFLPs, STRs, and tri- and tetranucleotide repeats. Ideal for small PCR fragments, MetaPhorTM Agarose is the choice agarose for resolving hard to see bands.

microRNA Marker
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New England Biolabs
- Contains 2 synthetic oligonucleotides: 17, 21 and 25 residues
- Convenient, ready-to-load format
- For use with denaturing polyacrylamide gels and Northern blots

Monarch DNA Gel Extraction Kit, NEB
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New England Biolabs
Quickly and easily purify DNA from agarose gels with high yields.
- Elute in as little as 6 μl.
- Prevent buffer retention and salt carry-over with optimized column design.
- Save time with fast, user-friendly protocols
- No need to monitor pH or add isopropanol.
- Buffers and columns available separately.
- Significantly less plastic used when compared with other kits.
- Responsibly-sourced and recyclable packaging.

Monarch PCR and DNA Cleanup Kit, NEB
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New England Biolabs
Quickly and easily purify high-quality DNA from PCR and other enzymatic reactions.
- Elute in as little as 6 μl.
- Prevent buffer retention and salt carry-over with optimized column design.
- Save time with fast, user-friendly protocols.
- No need to monitor pH.
- Protocol modification allows for ssDNA purification, oligonucleotide purification, and purification of other small DNA fragments.
- Buffers and columns available separately.
- Significantly less plastic used when compared with other kits.
- Responsibly-sourced and recyclable packaging.

Monarch Plasmid Miniprep Kit
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New England Biolabs
The Monarch Plasmid Miniprep Kit is a rapid and reliable method for the purification of up to 20 μg of high quality plasmid DNA.
- Elute in as little as 30 μl
- Prevent buffer retention and salt carry-over with optimized column design
- Reduce hands on time with faster protocols and less spin time
- Monitor completion of certain steps using colored buffer system
- No need to add RNase before starting
- Easily label columns using tab and frosted surfaces
- Buffers and columns available separately
- Significantly less plastic used when compared with other kits
- Responsibly-sourced and recyclable packaging
- No hazardous materials fees

Monarch RNA Cleanup Kit (10 µg), NEB
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New England Biolabs
The Monarch RNA Cleanup Kit (10 µg) enables fast and simple purification and concentration of up to 10 µg of RNA from enzymatic reactions.
- Ideal for cleanup and concentration of RNA after enzymatic treatments including DNase I, Proteinase K, labeling, capping or in vitro transcription (IVT)
- Elute in ≥ 6 µl for concentrated RNA
- 70-100% RNA recovery, even with inputs < 20 ng
- Efficiently purify RNA ≥ 25 nt (a simple modification enables purification of RNA ≥ 15 nt)
- Can be used to purify RNA from the aqueous phase following TRIzol® or similar extractions
- Simplified workflow with a single wash buffer
- Unique column design prevents buffer carryover and elution of silica particulates
- Columns and buffers are available separately
- Purified RNA is ready for use in a wide variety of downstream applications

Monarch RNA Cleanup Kit (500 µg), NEB
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New England Biolabs
The Monarch RNA Cleanup Kit (500 µg), NEB enables fast and simple purification and concentration of up to 500 µg of RNA from in vitro transcription (IVT) and other enzymatic reactions.
- Ideal for purification of synthesized RNA following high-yield in vitro transcription reactions (alternative to MEGAclear™)
- Optimized for the cleanup of RNA after enzymatic treatments including DNase I, Proteinase K, labeling and capping
- Efficiently purify RNA ≥ 25 nt (a simple modification enables purification of RNA ≥ 15 nt)
- Elute in ≥ 50 µl for concentrated RNA 70-100% RNA recovery
- Unique column design prevents buffer carryover and elution of silica particulates
- Simplified workflow with a single wash buffer
- Columns and buffers are available separately
- Purified RNA is ready for use in a wide variety of downstream applications, including microinjection and transfection.

Monarch® DNA/RNA Protection Reagent
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New England Biolabs
- Preserves and stabilizes RNA and DNA
- A component of the Monarch® Total RNA Miniprep Kit (NEB #T2010)
- Supplied as a 2X concentrate
- Supplied in 2 bottles, each containing 28 ml

Monarch® Genomic DNA Purification Kit, NEB
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New England Biolabs
Quickly and easily purify high quality, high molecular weight gDNA from multiple sample types, all with one kit!
- For use with a broad range of sample types, such as cells, blood, and tissues (including fatty and fibrous tissues)
- Also works with tough to lyse samples (e.g., bacteria, yeast)
- Suitable for clinically-relevant samples (e.g., saliva, cheek)
- Obtain excellent yields of highly-pure DNA
- Extremely low residual RNA contamination (typically <1%)
- Isolates high molecular weight gDNA (peak size typically ≥ 50 kb)
- Use DNA directly in downstream applications, including PCR, qPCR and NGS
- Fast, user-friendly protocols with short lysis times and minimal hands-on time
- Can also be used to clean up previously extracted gDNA
- Includes RNase A
- Kit components available separately
** Tips on how to maximize DNA yield using Monarch Genomic DNA Purification kit

Monarch® HMW DNA Extraction Kit for Cells & Blood
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New England Biolabs
- For the extraction of HMW DNA from cells and blood
- Isolate DNA into the Mb size range
- Easily tune the size of isolated DNA by adjusting the agitation speed during lysis
- Fast, user-friendly workflows (30 minutes for cells, 60 minutes for blood)
- Obtain best-in-class yields of highly-pure and intact DNA
- Effective RNA removal
- Rapid and efficient elution
- Includes RNase A and Proteinase K
- Ideal for long-read sequencing applications

Monarch® HMW DNA Extraction Kit for Tissue
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New England Biolabs
- For the extraction of HMW DNA from a variety of tissues, bacteria and other samples (yeast, insect, amphibian)
- Isolate DNA into the Mb size range from soft organ tissues and bacteria
- For some samples, the size of isolated DNA can be tuned by adjusting the agitation speed during lysis
- Fast, user-friendly workflows (90 minutes for tissues and bacteria)
- Obtain excellent yields of highly-pure and intact DNA
- Rapid and efficient elution
- Ideal for long-read sequencing applications
- Includes RNase A and Proteinase K, as well as microtube pestles for convenient sample homogenization

Monarch® RNA Cleanup Kit (50µg), NEB
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New England Biolabs
The Monarch RNA Cleanup Kit (50 µg), NEB enables fast and simple purification and concentration of up to 50 µg of RNA from enzymatic reactions.
- Ideal for cleanup and concentration of RNA after enzymatic treatments including DNase I, Proteinase K, labelling, capping or in vitro transcription (IVT)
- Efficiently purify RNA ≥ 25 nt (a simple modification enables purification of RNA ≥ 15 nt)
- Elute in ≥ 20 µl for concentrated RNA
- 70-100% RNA recovery
- Can be used to purify RNA from the aqueous phase following TRIzol® or similar extractions
- Simplified workflow with a single wash buffer
- Unique column design prevents buffer carryover and elution of silica particulates
- Columns and buffers are available separately
- Purified RNA is ready for use in a wide variety of downstream applications, including transfection

Monarch® Total RNA Miniprep Kit
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New England Biolabs
Quickly and easily purify up to 100 µg of high quality total RNA from multiple sample types – all with Monarch Total RNA Miniprep kit!
- For use with blood, cells and tissues
- Also works with tough to lyse samples (bacteria, yeast, plant)
- Effectively purifies total RNA of all sizes, including small RNAs >20 nt
- Efficient genomic DNA removal (column and DNase I-based)
- Contains Proteinase K for processing of tissues and blood samples
- Includes RNA Protection Reagent for sample preservation
- Excellent value
- Kit components available separately
** You may also interest in RNA Purification from Buccal Swabs, Nasopharyngeal Samples (swab or aspirate) and Saliva using the Monarch Total RNA Miniprep Kit.

NEB PCR Cloning Kit (Without Competent Cells) – 20 rxns
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New England Biolabs
Easy cloning of all PCR products, including blunt and TA ends
- In vitro transcription with both SP6 and T7 promoters
- BsaI-site removed from the ampicillin-resistant gene (allows for the cloning of Golden Gate Assembly modules)
- Fast cloning experiments with 5-minute ligation step
- Simplified screening with low/no colony background and no blue/white selection required

NEBuffer™, NEB
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New England Biolabs
New England Biolabs provides a color-coded 10X NEBuffer (with BSA) with each restriction endonuclease to ensure optimal (100%) activity.
This NEBuffer minus BSA formulation is available for those enzymes requiring NEBuffers without BSA.

Nuclease-free Water
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New England Biolabs
Nuclease-free Water is ideal for the preparation of reagents and for use in enzymatic reactions. No toxic agents, such as DEPC, are used in the production of this water, so as to avoid inhibition in enzymatic reactions.