Showing 97–120 of 138 results

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ProtoScript II First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit


New England Biolabs

The ProtoScript® II First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit is optimized mix for higher specificity and yield of cDNA.

  • Recombinant M-MuLV reverse transcriptase with reduced RNase H activity and increased thermostability (active up to 48°C)
  • Generates cDNA up to 10 kb
  • Supplied with Oligo-dT primers, Randomized Primer Mix, and nuclease-free water

Q5 High-Fidelity 2X Master Mix


New England Biolabs

Q5® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase sets a new standard for both fidelity and robust performance. With the highest fidelity amplification available (~280 times higher than Taq), Q5 DNA Polymerase results in ultra-low error rates. Q5 DNA Polymerase is composed of a novel polymerase that is fused to the processivity-enhancing Sso7d DNA binding domain, improving speed, fidelity and reliability of performance.

  • Highest fidelity amplification (~280X higher than Taq)
  • Ultra-low error rates
  • Superior performance for a broad range of amplicons (from high AT to high GC)
  • Hot start and master mix formats available

Q5 High-Fidelity PCR Kit


New England Biolabs

Q5® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase sets a new standard for both fidelity and robust performance. With the highest fidelity amplification available (~280 times higher than Taq), Q5 DNA Polymerase results in ultra-low error rates. Q5 DNA Polymerase is composed of a novel polymerase that is fused to the processivity-enhancing Sso7d DNA binding domain, improving speed, fidelity and reliability of performance.

  • Highest fidelity amplification (~280X higher than Taq)
  • Ultra-low error rates
  • Superior performance for a broad range of amplicons (from high AT to high GC)
  • Hot Start and Master Mix formats available

Q5 Hot Start High-Fidelity 2X Master Mix


New England Biolabs

Fidelity at its finest

Q5® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase sets a new standard for both fidelity and robust performance. With the highest fidelity amplification available (~280 times higher than Taq), Q5 DNA Polymerase results in ultra-low error rates. Q5 DNA Polymerase is composed of a novel polymerase that is fused to the processivity-enhancing Sso7d DNA binding domain, improving speed, fidelity and reliability of performance.

  • Highest fidelity amplification (~280X higher than Taq)
  • Ultra-low error rates
  • Superior performance for a broad range of amplicons (from high AT to high GC)
  • Hot start and master mix formats available

Q5 Hot Start High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase


New England Biolabs

Fidelity at its finest

Q5® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase sets a new standard for both fidelity and robust performance. With the highest fidelity amplification available (~280 times higher than Taq), Q5 DNA Polymerase results in ultra-low error rates. Q5 DNA Polymerase is composed of a novel polymerase that is fused to the processivity-enhancing Sso7d DNA binding domain, improving speed, fidelity and reliability of performance.

  • Highest fidelity amplification (~280X higher than Taq)
  • Ultra-low error rates
  • Superior performance for a broad range of amplicons (from high AT to high GC)
  • Hot start and master mix formats available

Q5 Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit (Without Competent Cells) – 10 rxns


New England Biolabs

The Q5® Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit (Without Competent Cells) enables rapid, site-specific mutagenesis of double-stranded plasmid DNA in less than 2 hours.

  • Non-overlapping primer design ensures robust, exponential amplification, generating a high percentage of desired mutations from a wide range of templates
  • Intramolecular ligation and transformation into NEB high-efficiency competent cells results in high colony yield
  • Extremely low error rate of Q5 Hot Start High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase reduces screening time
  • Hot start polymerase enables room temperature reaction setup
  • DpnI background reduction permits a wide range of starting template concentrations
  • Use of standard primers eliminates additional expenses from phosphorylated or purified oligos
  • Easy-to-use PCR master mix and unique multi-enzyme KLD mix offer convenience and quality
  • Rapid and direct treatment step proceeds at room temperature in 5 minutes
  • Allows the use of any chemically-competent E. coli cells suitable for cloning
  • Use NEBaseChanger to generate primer sequences and an annealing temperature

Q5® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase, NEB


New England Biolabs

Q5® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase, NEB sets a new standard for both fidelity and robust performance. With the highest-fidelity amplification available (~280 times higher than Taq), Q5 DNA Polymerase results in ultra-low error rates. Q5 DNA Polymerase is composed of a novel polymerase that is fused to the processivity-enhancing Sso7d DNA binding domain, improving speed, fidelity and reliability of performance.

Features of Q5® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase, NEB:

  • Highest fidelity amplification (~280X higher than Taq)
  • Ultra-low error rates
  • Superior performance for a broad range of amplicons (from high AT to high GC)
  • Hot start and master mix formats available

Q5U® Hot Start High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase, NEB


New England Biolabs

Q5U® Hot Start High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase is a modified version of Q5® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase, a novel thermostable DNA polymerase that possesses 3′ to 5′ exonuclease activity, and is fused to a processivity-enhancing Sso7d domain. Q5U® contains a mutation in the uracil-binding pocket that enables the ability to read and amplify templates containing uracil and inosine bases.

  • Achieve superior amplification of bisulfite-converted, deaminated, or damaged DNA (e.g., FFPE)
  • Prevent carryover contamination when combined with dUTP and Uracil DNA Glycosylase (UDG) treatment
  • Generate higher assembly efficiency and improve accuracy in USER® cloning
  • Enable room temperature setup with aptamer-based hot start formulation
  • Utilize optimized protocols for recommended applications

Quick CIP, NEB


New England Biolabs

Quick CIP from NEB is a heat-labile version of calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase (CIP) purified from a recombinant source.

Features of Quick CIP, NEB:

  • Rapid and irreversible heat inactivation eliminates the unwanted activity
  • Improved storage stability versus native enzyme
  • Faster reaction setup (no supplemental additives like zinc required) and shorter incubation time
  • Flexible reaction conditions (active in any restriction enzyme buffer, no clean-up required)
  • Less enzyme required (high specific activity), resulting in a lower cost per reaction
  • No need for multiple phosphatases (Quick CIP removes 5′- and 3′- phosphates from DNA, RNA and dNTPs )
  • Active on unincorporated dNTPs in PCR products – improve DNA sequencing and SNP analysis
  • Recombinant for purity, consistency and value

Quick Ligation Kit


New England Biolabs

The Quick Ligation™ Kit enables ligation of cohesive end or blunt end DNA fragments in 5 minutes at room temperature. (25°C )

  • Fast – 5 minutes for cohesive or blunt ends
  • Convenient – ligation performed at room temperature
  • Flexible – suitable for all common ligation reactions
  • Not sure which ligase to choose? Refer to our DNA and RNA Ligase Properties Chart

Quick-Load 1 kb DNA Ladder


New England Biolabs

This product is available in Quick-Load Purple format – enjoy sharper bands, no UV shadow, and a lower price.

  • Size range: 500 bp to 10 kb
  • Convenient, ready-to-load format
  • Formulated with bromophenol blue dye
  • Easy to identify reference bands

Quick-Load 1 kb Extend DNA Ladder – 125 gel lanes


New England Biolabs

  • Size range: 0.5 kb to 48.5 kb
  • Convenient, ready-to-load format
  • Formulated with bromophenol blue dye
  • Easy to identify reference bands
  • Suitable for 125 gel lanes

Quick-Load 100 bp DNA Ladder


New England Biolabs

This product is available in Quick-Load Purple format – enjoy sharper bands, no UV shadow, and a lower price.

  • Size range: 100 bp to 1,517 bp
  • Convenient, ready-to-load format
  • Formulated with bromophenol blue dye
  • Easy to identify reference bands
  • Small size suitable for 125 gel lanes; large size suitable for 375 gel lanes

Quick-Load 1kb Plus DNA Ladder – 250 gel lanes


New England Biolabs

This product was previously named the Quick-Load® 2-Log DNA Ladder. There have been no changes to product formulation or specifications.This product is available in Quick-Load Purple format – enjoy sharper bands, no UV shadow, and a lower price. 

  • Size range:  100 bp to 10 kb
  • Convenient, ready-to-load format
  • Formulated with bromophenol blue dye
  • Easy to identify reference bands
  • Suitable for 250 gel lanes

Quick-Load Purple 1 kb DNA Ladder – 125 gel lanes, NEB


New England Biolabs

Quick-Load Purple 1kb DNA Ladder, NEB is a molecular weight DNA marker with one tracking dye. It is a pre-mixed and a ready-to-load DNA ladder, which provides convenience to you.

Features of Quick-Load Purple 1kb DNA Ladder, NEB:

  • Convenient, ready-to-load format utilizing NEB’s proprietary purple loading dye
  • Size range: 500 bp to 10 kb
  • Sharp bands
  • No UV Shadow
  • Easy to identify reference bands
  • Now supplied with 1 vial of Gel Loading Dye, Purple (6X), no SDS (NEB #B7025)

Quick-Load Purple 100 bp DNA Ladder – 125 gel lanes


New England Biolabs

Quick-Load® Purple 100 bp DNA Ladder is a pre-mixed, ready-to-load molecular weight DNA marker containing one tracking dye. Tracking dye does not leave a shadow under UV light.

  • Convenient, ready-to-load format with NEB’s proprietary purple loading dye
  • Size range: 100 bp  to 1,517 bp
  • Sharp bands
  • No UV Shadow
  • Easy to identify reference bands
  • Supplied with 1 vial of Gel Loading Dye, Purple (6X), no SDS (NEB #B7025)

Quick-Load Purple 1kb Plus DNA Ladder (0.1-10.0 kb) – 250 gel lanes


New England Biolabs

This product was previously named the Quick-Load® Purple 2-Log DNA Ladder. There have been no changes to product formulation or specifications.

  • Convenient, ready-to-load format with NEB’s proprietary purple loading dye
  • Size range: 100 bp to 10 kb (100 bp and 1 kb ladder in one!)
  • Sharp bands
  • No UV Shadow
  • Easy to identify reference bands
  • Supplied with 1 vial of Gel Loading Dye, Purple (6X), no SDS (NEB #B7025)

Quick-Load Purple 50 bp DNA Ladder – 250 gel lanes


New England Biolabs

  • Convenient, ready-to-load format with NEB’s proprietary purple loading dye
  • Size range: 50 bp to 1,350 bp
  • Sharp bands
  • No UV Shadow
  • Easy to identify reference bands
  • Supplied with 1 vial of Gel Loading Dye, Purple (6X), no SDS (NEB #B7025)
  • Suitable for 250 gel lanes

Quick-Load Purple Low Molecular Weight DNA Ladder – 125 gel lanes


New England Biolabs

  • Convenient, ready-to-load format with NEB’s proprietary purple loading dye
  • Size range: 25bp to 766 bp
  • Sharp bands
  • No UV Shadow
  • Easy to identify reference bands
  • Supplied with 1 vial of Gel Loading Dye, Purple (6X), no SDS (NEB #B7025)
  • Suitable for 125 gel lanes

Quick-Load Taq 2X Master Mix – 500 rxns


New England Biolabs

The industry standard

  • Exceptional value in terms of cost per unit
  • 2X master mix format for easy reaction setup – just add template DNA and primers
  • Offered with inert tracking dyes for easy and direct loading of PCR products onto gels

RNAlater® (Sigma)




Synonyms: RNA preservation solution, RNA protection solution, RNA protector, RNA stabilizer, RNA storage solution, RNA transportation solution

RNAlater® is an RNA stabilization solution that is designed to quickly permeate and stabilize RNA in tissues and cells after collection. It allows for long-term storage of samples at different temperatures, including room temperature, without compromising RNA integrity. It preserves RNA in tissues for up to 1 day at 37 °C, 1 week at 25 °C, and 1 month at 4 °C. Tissues can also be stored at -20 °C long-term.



Cleaver Scientific

RunSAFE is a non-mutagenic fluorescent reagent that produces instant visualization of DNA bands upon Blue Light or UV illumination of agarose gels. Supplied in 6X DNA Loading Buffer, CSL-runSAFE is used to prepare DNA markers and samples for loading on agarose or
polyacrylamide gels. It is the most sensitive stain available for detecting the double-stranded DNA (dsDNA). It contains three tracking dyes (Bromophenol Blue, Xylene Cyanol FF, and Orange G) for visually tracking the DNA migration during the electrophoresis process. It is ideal for the environment requiring a safe , non-hazardous alternative to Ethidium Bromide. Storage Store at 4°C up to 12 months. For longer periods, store at -20°C. runSAFE Dye is light sensitive and should be stored protected from light.

Salt-T4® DNA Ligase


New England Biolabs

Characteristics of Salt-T4 DNA Ligase:

SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Colorimetric LAMP Assay Kit – 96 rxns


New England Biolabs

This product, SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Colorimetric LAMP Assay Kit (NEB) is intended for research purposes only.

The SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Colorimetric LAMP Assay Kit utilizes isothermal amplification for use in the analysis of SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19.
  • Colorimetric LAMP enables simple, visual detection (pink-to-yellow) of amplification of SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid
  • Set up reactions quickly and easily, using a simple heat source and unique WarmStart® technology
  • Reduce risk of carryover contamination, with UDG and dUTP included in the master mix
  • Assay targets N and E regions of the SARS-CoV-2 genome, for optimized sensitivity and specificity
  • Bring confidence to your results using the provided controls
  • Learn more about LAMP and other isothermal amplification methods
  • Learn more about how NEB is supporting COVID-19 research
  • Need assistance designing LAMP primers? Use the NEB LAMP Primer Design Tool
  • Learn more about how RT-LAMP is being used for rapid COVID-19 screening