dsRNA Ladder – 25 gel lanes
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New England Biolabs
The dsRNA Ladder is a set of 7 annealed double-stranded RNA molecules produced by in vitro transcription of 14 linear DNA templates. The ladder sizes are: 500, 300, 150, 80, 50, 30 and 21 base pairs. All have 2-base, 3´ extensions. The 80 base pair fragment is at double intensity to serve as a reference point.
This ladder is suitable for use as a size standard in dsRNA and RNAi analysis on both non-denaturing polyacrylamide and agarose gels.
Dye Kit
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Cleaver Scientific
This simple kit will enable you to teach the principles behind gel electrophoresis without the need to view the samples on a UV or blue light transilluminator. The kit contains five dye samples labelled A to E with enough reagents to run two sets of six gels. Vial A contains a dye marker consisting all 4 dyes. The other vials B to E contain a single dye. When the samples are loaded into a gel and run on an electrophoresis unit the students will be able to watch the different coloured dyes separate by the size of the molecules, so simulating how DNA separates by different molecular weight.

Exo-CIP™ Rapid PCR Cleanup Kit, NEB
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New England Biolabs
- Rapidly degrade residual PCR primers and dephosphorylate excess dNTPs after amplification
- Reaction complete in 4 minutes
- Thermolabile formulation can be heat inactivated in 1 minute at 80°C
- PCR product can be used directly in downstream applications
- Compatible with commonly-used reaction buffers

FastDNA 50ml Spin Kit for Soil
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MP Biomedicals
Up to 5 g of soil are processed by the FastPrep®-24 or FastPrep®-96 instrument with the Lysing Matrix E tubes designed to efficiently lyse all microorganisms including difficult sources such as eubacterial spores and endospores, gram positive bacteria and yeast. The released DNA is purified by a silica-based spin filter columns and removes humic acids/polyphenols that can inhibit PCR. The resulting pure DNA is suitable for PCR analysis and other downstream applications. Research use only. Key applications include isolation of bacterial, fungi, plant and genomic DNA from soil and evnironmental samples.

FastDNA-96 Soil Microbe DNA Kit
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MP Biomedicals
The FastDNA-96™ Soil Microbe DNA Kit quickly and efficiently isolates humic-free, PCR-ready genomic DNA from soil samples in approximately 50 minutes. Gram(+/-) bacteria, fungi, plant and animal tissues, algae, spores and many other members of a soil population including clay, sandy, silty, peaty, chalky, and loamy soils, are efficiently lysed in approximately 60 seconds with the FastPrep-96™ Instrument. Research use only. Key applications include isolation of PCR-Ready Genomic DNA from Soil Samples.

FastDNA™ Spin Kit
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MP Biomedicals
The FastDNA™ SPIN Kit, an updated version of the well-known FastDNA™ Kit, is used with any FastPrep® Instrument to lyse and subsequently isolate DNA from up to 200 mg of almost any sample in less than 30 minutes. Features: Isolation of genomic DNA from plants, animals, bacteria, yeast, algae, and fungi using a silica spin fi lter method: Rapid and reproducible sample lysis with the FastPrep®-24 or FastPrep® FP120 Instrument, Lyse and isolate DNA in less than 30 minutes from a variety of sample types, Flexible format eliminates need for separate DNA isolation kits, No hazardous organic reagents required, SPIN Filters are included to streamLine silica handling. Research Use Only. Key applications include DNA extraction and purification from virtually and sample.

FastDNA™ Spin Kit for Soil
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MP Biomedicals
The FastDNA® SPIN Kit is designed for use with any FastPrep® Instrument, plant and animal tissues, bacteria, algae, fungi spores and other members of a soil population are easily lysed within 40 seconds. These benchtop devices use a unique, optimized motion to homogenize samples by simultaneous impaction with lysing matrix particles. Features: Isolation of DNA from cells present in soil or other environmental samples, Rapid and reproducible sample lysis with the FastPrep®-24 or FastPrep® FP120 Instrument, Easily isolate DNA from a variety of organisms in many different types of soil, Lyse and isolate DNA in less than 60 minutes, No hazardous organic reagents required. Research Use Only. Key applications include isolation of bacterial, fungal, plant and animal genomic DNA from soil and other environmental samples.
FlashGel™ DNA System
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5 minute DNA analysis
The FlashGel™ System is the fastest way to separate DNA and the only way to watch DNA migration as it happens. This revolutionary new tool separates DNA in 2 – 7 minutes. Monitor gel runs right at the bench, without UV light. The highly sensitive system allows a 5-20X reduction in DNA levels – saving both time and money.
Please contact us for pricing and availability.

Gel Loading Dye, Purple (6X), no SDS – 4.0 ml, NEB
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New England Biolabs
Gel Loading Dye, Purple (6X), NEB is the premier purple loading dye for sharp, tight bands.
- No UV shadow
- Contains Ficoll® for brighter, tighter bands
- Contains EDTA to stop enzymatic reactions
- Compatible with agarose and non-denaturing polyacrylamide gels
- No UV shadow allows for publication grade images
- Brighter, sharper bands vs. glycerol-based loading dyes
- Stops enzyme reactions
GelStarTM Nucleic Acid Gel Stain, 10,000X (2 x 250 uL)
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GelStarTM Nucleic Acid Gel Stain is a highly sensitive fluorescent stain for detecting both DNA and RNA. You can choose to either add GelStarTM Stain to your agarose solution prior to casting or to post stain your gels. GelStarTM Nucleic Acid Gel Stain exhibits exceptional signal-to-noise ratio with minimal background. Maximum sensitivity, detect as little as 20 pg of dsDNA or 3 ng of RNA.

Hot Start Taq 2X Master Mix
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New England Biolabs
The industry standard with the hot start peformance
- Ideal for routine PCR applications
- Aptamer-based hot start technology avoids nonspecific amplification and enables room temperature reaction setup
- 2X master mix format for easy reaction setup – just add template DNA and primers

Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase
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New England Biolabs
The industry standard with hot start performance
- Ideal for routine PCR applications and molecular diagnostics
- High specificity and sensitivity
- Aptamer-based hot start technology avoids nonspecific amplification and enables room temperature reaction setup

LongAmp Taq 2X Master Mix
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New England Biolabs
Exceptional performance with long amplicons
- Optimized enzyme blend for amplification up to 30 kb
- 2X higher fidelity than Taq
- Master mix is a 2X concentrated solution containing everything needed for robust amplification of complex or simple templates

LongAmp® Taq PCR Kit
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New England Biolabs
Exceptional performance with long amplicons
- Optimized enzyme blend for amplification up to 30 kb from low complexity templates and difficult templates, such has human genomic DNA
- 2X higher fidelity than Taq
- Kit contains 5X Reaction Buffer for optimal performance

Low Molecular Weight DNA Ladder
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New England Biolabs
This product is available in our Quick-Load Purple format – enjoy the convenience of a ready-to-load format.
- Size range: 25 bp to 766 bp
- Value pricing
- Supplied with free vial of Gel Loading Dye, Purple (6X), no SDS (NEB #B7025).
- Easy to identify reference bands
- Small size suitable for 100 gel lanes; large size suitable for 500 gel lanes

Low Range ssRNA Ladder
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New England Biolabs
The Low Range ssRNA Ladder is a set of 6 RNA molecules produced by in vitro transcription of a mixture of 6 linear DNA templates. The ladder sizes are: 1000, 500, 300, 150, 80 and 50 bases. The 300 base fragment is at double intensity to serve as a reference band. This ladder is suitable for use as an ssRNA size standard on denaturing polyacrylamide-urea gels, and on denaturing or native agarose gels.
- Size range: 50 bases – 1,000 bases
- Compatible with denaturing polyacrylamide-urea gels, denaturing agarose gels and native agarose gels
- Convenient reference band at 300 bases

Luna Cell Ready One-Step RT-qPCR Kit
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New England Biolabs
Go direct from cells to RNA quantitation without purification
- Contains reagents for 100 lysis preps and 500 one-step RT-qPCR reactions (dye)
- Effective cell lysis preparation from 10 to 100,000 cells across numerous cell lines
- Coordinated cell lysis, RNA release, and genomic DNA removal in a fast 15-minute protocol
- Features Luna WarmStart® RT paired with Hot Start Taq for increased thermostability and room temperature setup
- Additional lysis preps available: Luna Cell Ready Lysis Module (NEB #E3032)

Luna Universal One-Step RT-qPCR Kit
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New England Biolabs
Make a simpler choice
- One product per application simplifies selection
- Convenient master mix formats and user-friendly protocols simplify reaction setup
- Non-interfering, visible tracking dye helps to eliminate pipetting errors
Experience best-in-class performance
Optimize your RT-qPCR with Luna WarmStart® Reverse Transcriptase

Luna Universal Probe One-Step RT-qPCR Kit
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New England Biolabs
Make a simpler choice
- One product per application simplifies selection
- Convenient master mix formats and user-friendly protocols simplify reaction setup
- Non-interfering, visible tracking dye helps to eliminate pipetting errors
Experience best-in-class performance
Optimize your RT-qPCR with Luna WarmStart® Reverse Transcriptase