Showing 1033–1056 of 1211 results

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Sterile Cryogenic Vials



This item is not available at the moment. Please contact us for more information.

● Made of medical grade polypropylene
● Autoclavable
● Can be repeatedly frozen and thawed
● Universal screw threads
● Vials fit most common rotors
● Vials fit standard 1-inch and 2-inch freezer boxes
● Gamma radiation sterilized
● DNase & RNase free, endotoxin free, and human DNA free
● 81-8204 2ml self-standing vials have a white writing area and black graduations
● 81-7205 self-standing vials are brown.

Streptococcus Selective Supplement


Thermo ScientificTM OxoidTM

Oxoid Streptococcus Supplement is used for the isolation of Streptococci.

  • Add to Columbia Blood Agar Base, Part No. CM0331B
  • Each vial supplements 500mL of medium

Streptococcus Selective Supplement, Oxoid Composition

Vial contents (each vial is sufficient for 500 ml of medium)
per vial
per litre
Colistin sulphate
5.0 mg

10.0 mg

Oxolinic acid
2.5 mg

5.0 mg


Streptococcus Selective Supplement, Oxoid Preparation:
Reconstitute one vial as directed, aseptically add the contents to 500ml of sterile Columbia Blood Agar Base containing 5% Defibrinated Horse Blood SR0050 cooled to approximately 50°C. Mix gently and pour into sterile Petri dishes.

Storage conditions and Shelf life
Store the dehydrated medium at 10-30°C and use before the expiry date on the label.
Store the prepared medium at 2-8°C.

Streptomycin 300 (S300)


Thermo ScientificTM OxoidTM

Manually determine the antibiotic susceptibility of microorganisms using Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (AST) methods in conjunction with reliable, easy-to-use Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid™ Streptomycin Antimicrobial Susceptibility Disks.

Streptozocin ≥75% α-anomer basis, ≥98% (HPLC) (Sigma-Aldrich)




CAS Number : 18883-66-4

Molecular weight : 265.22 g/mol

Empirical formula : C8H15N3O7

Synonyms : N-(Methylnitrosocarbamoyl)-α-D-glucosamine, Streptozotocin

Streptozocin or streptozotocin, is obtained from Streptomyces achromogenes.[1] Streptozotocin, a glucosamine-nitrosourea, is a DNA alkylating agent that enters cells exclusively via the GLUT2 glucose transport protein. Streptozocin, a diabetagen, is especially toxic to pancreatic islet insulin-producing β-cells. It is toxic to GLUT2 positive neuroendocrine tumor cells.

Stuart Transport Medium (Modified) 500g


Thermo ScientificTM OxoidTM

Oxoid Stuart Transport Medium is a semi-solid non-nutritional transport medium for fastidious, pathogenic organisms.

Stuart Transport Medium, Oxoid Composition

Typical Formula*


Sodium glycerophosphate


Sodium thioglycollate


Cysteine hydrochloride


Calcium chloride


Methylene blue




pH 7.4 ± 0.2 @ 25°C


Stuart Transport Medium, Oxoid Preparation:
Suspend 16g in 1 litre of distilled water. Bring to the boil to dissolve completely and dispense into screw-capped 7ml bottles. Fill each bottle to the brim, tighten the cap and sterilise by autoclaving at 121°C for 15 minutes. When sufficiently cool to handle, mix by inversion.

Storage conditions and Shelf life
Store the dehydrated medium at 10-30°C and use before the expiry date on the label.
Store the prepared medium at 15-25°C.

A small amount of blue colour at the top of the bottle indicates oxidation. If this colour extends down into the medium it should be discarded.
Avoid prolonged heating in open flasks, during the preparation of the medium, because thioglycollate is volatile.
Sodium glycerophosphate may be metabolised by some organisms and thus promote their growth.

Sulphuric acid 95%-98% CP [Poison], 2.5L




Synonyms: Hydrogen sulfate, Oil of vitriol
Formula: H2SO4

Sulphuric acid is a clear colorless or yellow liquid. It is highly corrosive, having pH as low as 1 depending on its concentration. It has many direct and indirect applications in modern industry, including the manufacture or fertilizer.

AR: Analitycal Reagent Grade: Reagents for analytical purpose or research work that need high purity.
CP: Chemically Pure Grade: Reagents for regular practical in its original purity.

Supercoiled DNA Ladder – 100 gel lanes


New England Biolabs

The Supercoiled DNA ladder contains 9 proprietary supercoiled plasmids, ranging in size from 2 to 10 kb, that are suitable for use as supercoiled molecular weight standards for agarose electrophoresis. The 5 kb plasmid has an increased intensity to serve as a reference band.

  • Recommended gel percentage range: 0.6-1%
  • Optimum separation on 0.8%
  • Recommended migration conditions: no more than 5V/cm (distance between electrodes), for no more than 60 minutes

Supreme TC Grade Agar, Plant Cell Technology


Plant Cell Technology

A polysaccharide complex obtained through bleaching and hot water extraction of agarocytes from the red alga Rhodophyceae. Typical usage rate of 6 – 12 g/L medium. Supreme agar offers greater clarity of plant culture media.
Gel Strength: 1050 GM/CM2


Agar is used as microbial solid culturing media. The substance is often used in doses ranging between 0.5 to 1.0% (w/v) to solidify plant tissue culture media. Agar is an essential ingredient used for in vitro root development.

Sxt25 Sulfamethoxazole/Trimethoprim


Thermo ScientificTM OxoidTM

Manually determine the antibiotic susceptibility of microorganisms using Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (AST) methods in conjunction with reliable, easy-to-use Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid™ Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole 1:19 Antimicrobial Susceptibility Disks.

SYBR® Green II RNA gel stain, 10,000 × in DMSO (Sigma-Aldrich)




CAS Number : 172827-25-7

Concentration : 10,000 × in DMSO

Usage : mL sufficient for 100 mini-gels

Synonyms : RNA gel dye, SYBR® RNA dye, safer gel stain

SYBR® Green II is a highly sensitive stain for post electrophoresis staining of RNA and ssDNA in agarose or polyacrylamide gels. SYBR® Green II is not selective for RNA staining but does exhibit a higher quantum yield when bound to RNA than to double stranded DNA.

Application :

-for the quantification of ribonucleic acid (RNA) in Escherichia coli[1]
-for staining 5′-ETS rRNA species separated on polyacrylamide gel prior to Northern blot analysis[2]
-to stain formaldehyde agarose gels to visualize RNA bands[3]

T.C.B.S Cholera Medium 500g


Thermo ScientificTM OxoidTM

Selectively isolate pathogenic Vibrio species with Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid™ TCBS (Thiosulfate Citrate Bile Salts Sucrose) Cholera Medium (Dehydrated). The medium has shown to be the most satisfactory and reproducible formula regardless of the complex composition. Unlike Lauryl Sulphate Tellurite Agar it does not require further additives or aseptic additions of blood. It also possesses superior growth characteristics for Vibrio species, compared with tellurite media. While inhibiting non-vibrios, it promotes rapid growth of pathogenic vibrios after overnight incubation at 35°C.

TCBS (Thiosulfate Citrate Bile Salts Sucrose) Cholera Medium (Dehydrated), Oxoid Composition

Typical Formula*


Yeast extract


Bacteriological peptone


Sodium thiosulphate


Sodium citrate


Ox Bile




Sodium chloride


Ferric citrate


Bromothymol blue


Thymol blue




pH 8.6 ± 0.2 @ 25°C


TCBS (Thiosulfate Citrate Bile Salts Sucrose) Cholera Medium (Dehydrated), Oxoid Preparation:
Suspend 88g in 1 litre of distilled water. Boil to dissolve the medium completely. DO NOT AUTOCLAVE.
Pour plates without further heating and dry before use.

Storage conditions and Shelf life
Store the dehydrated medium at 10-30°C and use before the expiry date on the label.
Store the prepared medium at 2-8°C.

The identification of the various Vibrio species on TCBS Medium is presumptive and further tests are required for confirmation.
Yellow colonies on TCBS Medium will give unsatisfactory oxidase reactions.
Colonies taken from TCBS Medium are `sticky’ and react poorly in slide agglutination tests. Subculture to nutrient agar is required before slide agglutination tests can be carried out.
Some strains of Vibrio vulnificus produce better recovery at 30°C.

T.T.C. (Red Spot) Flexi-Slide


Thermo ScientificTM OxoidTM

Make colony counting simple for aerobic bacteria with the easily disposable Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid™ Dip-Slides™ Industrial. Simple-to-use for the operator and where laboratory facilities are limited, the Dip Slide is coated on both sides with a solid culture medium with the opportunity for different media to be carried on each side, making the process time- and cost-effective.

T.T.C. And Malt Extract Flexi-Slide


Thermo ScientificTM OxoidTM

Make colony counting simple for aerobic bacteria, yeast, mold, coliform bacteria and Enterobacteriaceae with the easily disposable Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid™ Dip-Slides™ Industrial. Simple-to-use for the operator and where laboratory facilities are limited, the Dip Slide is coated on both sides with a solid culture medium with the opportunity for different media to be carried on each side, making the process time- and cost-effective.

T.T.C. Solution 1 X 10 Vials


Thermo ScientificTM OxoidTM

  • Oxoid TTC Solution (0.125%) is used for the enumeration and identification of coliform bacteria.
  • Add to Tergitol 7 Agar, Part No. CM0793B.
  • Each vial for 100mL medium.

T.T.C.Solution 1% (10x5ml)


Thermo ScientificTM OxoidTM

Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid T.T.C. Solution is a solution for the addition to KF Streptococcus Agar for the enumeration of entercocci.

T.T.C. Solution, Oxoid Composition

Vial contents (each vial is sufficient for 500 ml of medium)
2,3,5-Triphenyltetrazolium chloride (1%)5ml


Medium Preparation:
Aseptically add the contents to 500ml of KF Streptococcus Agar CM0701 cooled to approximatly 50°C. Mix gently and pour into sterile Petri dishes.

T4 DNA Ligase, NEB


New England Biolabs

Characteristics of T4 DNA Ligase, NEB:

  • Catalyzes the formation of a phosphodiester bond between juxtaposed 5′ phosphate and 3′ hydroxyl termini in duplex DNA or RNA.
  • This enzyme will join blunt end and cohesive end termini as well as repair single-stranded nicks in duplex DNA and some DNA/RNA hybrids (1).
  • T4 DNA ligase will seal nicks for these DNA substrates.
  • The industry standard for performance and quality
  • Not sure which ligase to choose? Refer to our DNA and RNA Ligase Properties Chart

TAE Buffer Solution


Bio Basic


This product is currently not available. Please contact us for more information.

TAE buffer 50x solution: TAE (Tris/Acetate/EDTA) Buffer is commonly used in nucleic acid electrophoresis. This solution has a lower buffering capacity than TBE buffer, but dsDNA runs faster with TAE buffer. This 25x and 50x concentrate can be easily diluted with molecular biology grade water to 1x before use.

Tannic acid, ACS reagent (Sigma-Aldrich)




CAS number: 1401-55-4
Chemical Formula: C76H52O46
Molar Mass: 1701.20 g/mol
Synonyms: Gallotannin, Tannin

General description

Tannic acid (TA) is a natural, non-toxic organic acid with corrosion inhibitive property for metals and alloys. A chemiluminescence (CL) system of KIO4 (potassium periodate)–H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide)–Tween40 has been employed in the detection of tannic acid in industrial wastewater. Tannic acid hydrolyzes to form mainly glucose and gallic acid. Its astringent property is due to the presence of polyphenolic groups.


Tannic acid may be used in the following processes:
• Synthesis of ferric tannate complexes by reacting with metallic iron.
• As a protein deproteinizing agent in genomic and plasmid DNAs preparation.
• As a reductant in the synthesis of metal nanoparticles.

Taq 2X Master Mix – 500 rxns


New England Biolabs

Taq DNA Polymerase is the industry standard

  • Ideal for routine PCR applications
  • Exceptional value in terms of cost per unit
  • 2X master mix format for easy reaction setup – just add template DNA and primers

Taq DNA Polymerase with Standard Taq (Mg-free) Buffer


New England Biolabs

The industry standard

  • Ideal for routine PCR applications
  • Exceptional value in terms of cost per unit
  • Mg-free buffer offers flexibility to adjust magnesium concentrations for use with microarray or DHPLC applications

Taq DNA Polymerase with Standard Taq Buffer, NEB


New England Biolabs

Taq DNA Polymerase, NEB is a thermostable DNA polymerase that possesses 5′ to 3′ polymerase activity, that makes it an excellent industry standard for PCR.

Key features of Taq DNA Polymerase, NEB:

  • Isolated from a recombinant source
  • Robust and reliable reaction
  • Incorporates dUTP, dITP and fluorescently -labeled nucleotides
  • Ideal for routine PCR applications
  • Exceptional value in terms of cost per unit
  • Hot start version available

Taq DNA Polymerase, NEB is supplied with 10X Standard Taq Reaction Buffer, which is detergent-free and designed to be compatible with existing assay systems.

Taq DNA Polymerase with ThermoPol Buffer


New England Biolabs

Taq DNA Polymerase is the industry standard for PCR

  • Ideal for routine PCR applications
  • ThermoPol Buffer delivers high product yield under demanding conditions
  • Exceptional value in terms of cost per unit

Taq PCR Kit


New England Biolabs

The industry standard

  • Ideal for routine PCR applications
  • Exceptional value in terms of cost per unit
  • Kit format includes optimized reagents and enables flexible experimental design for 200 PCR reactions

TB Decolorizer (3% acid alc) BTLx5/250ml


Thermo Scientific™ Remel™

Thermo Scientific™ Remel TB Decolorizer is for TB Kinyoun and Ziehl-Neelsen stains.