BactiCard Neisseria 25TST/KT
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Thermo Scientific™ Remel™
Thermo Scientific™ Remel BactiCard Neisseria uses enzyme technology for presumptive identification of pathogenic Neisseria spp. and Moraxella catarrhalis isolated on selective media.
BactiDrop Indole, Kovac’s PK/50
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Thermo Scientific™ Remel™
Remel BactiDrop Kovac’s Indole is for determination of the ability of microorganisms, primarily Enterobacteriaceae, to split indole from the tryptophan molecule. For use with Indole Broth.
Ordering Alerts:
BactiDrop reagents are supplied in crushable ampules encased in a protective plastic sheath with a convenient dropper dispenser tip.

BactiDrop Nitrate A PK/50
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Thermo Scientific™ Remel™
Remel BactiDrop Nitrate A is used for determination of the ability of microorganisms to reduce nitrate to nitrite or free nitrogen gas.Used in conjunction with Nitrate Reagent B, Part No. R21538.
Ordering Alerts:
BactiDrop reagents are supplied in crushable ampules encased in a protective plastic sheath with a convenient dropper dispenser tip.

BactiDrop Nitrate B PK/50
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Thermo Scientific™ Remel™
Remel BactiDrop Nitrate B is for determination of the ability of microorganisms to reduce nitrate to nitrite or free nitrogen gas. Used in conjunction with Nitrate Reagent A, Part No. R21536.
Ordering Alerts:
BactiDrop reagents are supplied in crushable ampules encased in a protective plastic sheath with a convenient dropper dispenser tip.

BactiDrop Oxidase PK/50
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Thermo Scientific™ Remel™
Remel BactiDrop Oxidase is used for detection of the presence of oxidase enzyme.
Ordering Alerts:
BactiDrop reagents are supplied in crushable ampules encased in a protective plastic sheath with a convenient dropper dispenser tip.

BactiDrop Potassium Hydroxide(KOH) PK/50
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Thermo Scientific™ Remel™
Remel BactiDrop Potassium Hydroxide is for preparation of clinical specimens for microscopic examination of fungal elements.
Ordering Alerts:
BactiDrop reagents are supplied in crushable ampules encased in a protective plastic sheath with a convenient dropper dispenser tip.

BactiDrop PYR PK/50
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Thermo Scientific™ Remel™
Remel BactiDrop PYR is for rapid, presumptive identification of group A streptococci and enterococci. Used with PYR tests and LAP discs.
Ordering Alerts:
BactiDrop reagents are supplied in crushable ampules encased in a protective plastic sheath with a convenient dropper dispenser tip.

BactiDrop Spot Indole PK/50
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Thermo Scientific™ Remel™
Remel BactiDrop Spot Indole is used for determination of the ability of microorganisms to split indole from the tryptophan molecule by spot test method.
Ordering Alerts:
BactiDrop reagents are supplied in crushable ampules encased in a protective plastic sheath with a convenient dropper dispenser tip.

BactiDrop VP-A (alpha napthol 5%) PK/50
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Thermo Scientific™ Remel™
Remel BactiDrop Voges-Proskauer A is used for detection of acetylmethylcarbinol from glucose fermentation.
- Used in conjunction with VP-B, Part No. R21562
- For use with MRVP Broth
Ordering Alerts:
BactiDrop reagents are supplied in crushable ampules encased in a protective plastic sheath with a convenient dropper dispenser tip.

BactiDrop VP-B (40% KOH) PK/50
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Thermo Scientific™ Remel™
Remel BactiDrop Voges-Proskauer B is used for detection of acetylmethylcarbinol from glucose fermentation.
- Used in conjunction with VP-A, Part No. R21560
- For use with MRVP Broth
Ordering Alerts:
BactiDrop reagents are supplied in crushable ampules encased in a protective plastic sheath with a convenient dropper dispenser tip.

BactiSwab (Mod Stuarts) Pk/100
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Thermo Scientific™ Remel™
Thermo Scientific™ Remel BactiSwab contains a single plasti-shaft swab. Rayon-tipped, plastic-shaft swabs are mounted in the cap of a translucent plastic tube. Inside the tube is a crushable ampule of Modified Stuart’s Medium with a pledget that becomes moistened with the medium when ampule is crushed.
Ordering Alerts:
Each BactiSwab is supplied as one tube per envelope.

Baird Parker Agar Base 500g, Oxoid
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Thermo ScientificTM OxoidTM
Baird Parker Agar Base, Oxoid is suitable for the isolation and enumeration of Staphylococcus aureus, with high selectivity and sensitivity. It contains carefully balanced selective inhibitory agents, glycine, lithium, and tellurite, to suppress the growth of most of the bacteria present in foods without inhibiting coagulase-positive staphylococci. The presence of egg yolk emulsion and sodium pyruvate aid the recovery of damaged cells for presumptive identification of Staphylococcus aureus in food specimens.
Typical Formula * | gm/litre |
Pancreatic digest of casein | 10.0 |
Meat extract | 5.0 |
Sodium pyruvate | 10.0 |
Yeast extract | 1.0 |
Glycine | 12.0 |
Lithium chloride | 5.0 |
Agar | 20.0 |
pH 7.2 ± 0.2 @ 25°C |
Baird Parker Agar Base, Oxoid Preparation:
Suspend 6.3g of Baird-Parker Agar Base (RPF) in 90ml of distilled water. Bring to the boil to dissolve completely. Sterilise by autoclaving at 121ºC for 15 minutes. Cool to 48ºC and add 1 vial of RPF Supplement (SR0122A), reconstituted as directed. Mix well and pour plates.
Storage Conditions and Shelf Life
Store the dehydrated medium at 10-30°C and RPF Supplement below 0°C. Use before the expiry date on the label.
Prepared plates of the medium are best used freshly prepared.
Regard all suspicious colonies as Staphylococcus aureus regardless of negative reactions in the medium and carry out further tests.
Colonies of some contaminating organisms growing in close proximity to the coagulase positive colonies may partially digest the coagulase halo reaction.

Baird-Parker Agar (ISO) 500g
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Thermo ScientificTM OxoidTM
Isolate, enumerate, and identify coagulase positive Staphylococcus aureus in food samples with selective Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid™ Baird Parker Agar (ISO) Base (Dehydrated) while adhering to ISO 6888-1:1999.
Baird Parker Agar (ISO) Base, Oxoid Composition
Typical Formula* | gm / litre |
Pancreatic digest of casein | 10.0 |
Meat extract | 5.0 |
Yeast extract | 1.0 |
Sodium pyruvate | 10.0 |
L-glycine | 12.0 |
Lithium chloride | 5.0 |
Agar | 20.0 |
pH 7.2 ± 0.2 @ 25°C |
Baird Parker Agar (ISO) Base, Oxoid Preparation:
Suspend 63g of Baird-Parker Agar (ISO) Base in 1,000ml of distilled water. Boil to dissolve the medium and sterilise by autoclaving at 121°C for 15 minutes. Cool to 47°C and aseptically add 50ml of Egg Yolk Tellurite Emulsion (SR0054). Mix well and pour into sterile Petri dishes.
Storage conditions and Shelf life
Store the dehydrated medium at 10-30°C and use before the expiry date on the label.
The prepared medium is best used freshly prepared, but may be suitable for longer storage following in-house validation.
Atypical colonies have the same size as typical colonies but can be shining black with or without a narrow white edge; the clear zone or opacity halo can also be absent or barely visible. Grey colonies, free of clear zone, can also be regarded as atypical.
Regard all typical and atypical colonies as coagulase-positive staphylococci irrespective of negative reactions on the medium and carry out further tests.
Colonies of some contaminating organisms growing in close proximity to the coagulase positive colonies may partially digest the coagulase halo reaction.

Baird-Parker Agar Base (Modified) 500g
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Thermo ScientificTM OxoidTM
- The Oxoid Baird-Parker RPF Agar Base is a selective medium for the isolation and enumeration of coagulase positive staphylococci from food.
- For use with RPF supplement, Part No. SR0122A
- Do not use Egg Yolk Tellurite Emulsion.
Baird-Parker Agar Base (RPF), Oxoid Composition
Typical Formula* | gm/litre |
Pancreatic digest of casein | 10.0 |
Meat extract | 5.0 |
Sodium pyruvate | 10.0 |
Yeast extract | 1.0 |
Glycine | 12.0 |
Lithium chloride | 5.0 |
Agar | 20.0 |
pH 7.2 ± 0.2 @ 25ºC |
Baird-Parker Agar Base (RPF), Oxoid Preparation:
Suspend 6.3g of Baird-Parker Agar Base (RPF) in 90ml of distilled water. Bring to the boil to dissolve completely. Sterilise by autoclaving at 121ºC for 15 minutes. Cool to 48ºC and add 1 vial of SR0122A, reconstituted as directed. Mix well and pour plates.
Storage conditions and Shelf life
Store the dehydrated medium at 10-30°C and RPF Supplement below 0°C. Use before the expiry date on the label.
Prepared plates of medium are best used freshly prepared.
Colonies of some contaminating organisms growing in close proximity to the coagulase positive colonies may partially digest the coagulase halo reaction.

Basic Fuchsin – Technical Dye (10G)
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Thermo ScientificTM OxoidTM
Oxoid Basic Fuchsin Indicator is a dye for use with Endo Agar Base, Part No. CM0479B and m Endo (LES) Agar Base, Part No. MM0551B.
Basic Fuchsin Preparation:
BR0050 should be dissolved to create a 10% w/v solution using 95% ethyl alcohol.
For each litre of culture medium use the amount described in the product reconstitution details. This should be in a 10% w/v solution of the dye dissolved in 50:50 ethanol/distilled water. E.g. For CM0479 add 6ml of a 10% w/v Basic Fuchsin solution per litre of medium.
The magenta dyes are closely related to known carcinogenic substances; therefore basic fuchsin should be handled with care, avoiding inhaling the powder or staining the skin with dye.

Beta Lactam Reagent Disk 25Disk/VL
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Thermo Scientific™ Remel™
Thermo Scientific™ Remel Beta Lactam Reagent Disc uses an acidometric method to detect beta-lactamase production in Haemophilus spp., N. gonorrhoeae and staphylococci.

Beta Lysin Disk 25Disk/VL
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Thermo ScientificTM RemelTM
Thermo Scientific™ Beta Lysin Disc is used to detect CAMP factor by group B streptococci.

Biggy Agar 500g
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Thermo ScientificTM OxoidTM
Oxoid BiGGY Agar (Nickerson Medium) for the isolation and presumptive identification of Candida spp.
BiGGY Agar, Oxoid Composition
Typical Formula* | gm/litre |
Yeast extract | 1.0 |
Glycine | 10.0 |
Glucose | 10.0 |
Sodium sulphite | 3.0 |
Bismuth ammonium citrate | 5.0 |
Agar | 13.0 |
pH 6.8 ± 0.2 @ 25°C |
BiGGY Agar, Oxoid Preparation:
Suspend 42g in 1 litre of distilled water and bring gently to the boil to dissolve the agar. Allow to cool to 50-55°C. Mix gently to disperse the flocculant precipitate and pour into sterile Petri dishes.
Storage conditions and Shelf life
Store the dehydrated medium at 10-30°C and use before the expiry date on the label.
Medium should be freshly prepared just prior to use.
Carry out further tests to confirm identity of isolated yeasts.
Do not use slants of medium because the reactions are unsatisfactory.
The flocculent precipitate present in the molten medium must be evenly suspended whilst dispensing the agar.

Bile Aesculin Agar 500g
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Thermo ScientificTM OxoidTM
Isolate and presumptively identify enterococci / Group D streptococci with Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid™ Bile Aesculin Agar (Dehydrated). Bile Aesculin Agar is designed to differentiate between Group D streptococci and non-Group D streptococci.
Group D streptococci hydrolyse aesculin to form aesculetin and dextrose. Aesculin hydrolysis is indicative of a positive result. Bile salts in the medium inhibit Gram-positive bacteria other than enterococci/ Group D streptococci.
Bile Aesculin Agar, Oxoid Composition
Typical Formula* | gm/litre |
Peptone | 14.0 |
Bile salts | 15.0 |
Ferric citrate | 0.5 |
Aesculin | 1.0 |
Agar | 15.0 |
pH 7.1 ± 0.2 @ 25°C |
Bile Aesculin Agar, Oxoid Preparation:
Suspend 44.5g in 1 litre of distilled water and bring gently to the boil to dissolve completely. Sterilise by autoclaving at 121°C for 15 minutes.
Storage conditions and Shelf life
Store the dehydrated medium at 10-30°C and use before the expiry date on the label.

Bile Salts 250g
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Thermo ScientificTM OxoidTM
Oxoid Bile Salts is a standardized ox-bile extract used as a selective inhibitory agent in culture media.

Bile Salts No. 3 250g
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Thermo ScientificTM OxoidTM
Oxoid Bile Salts No. 3 is a specifically refined fraction of bile acid salts.
- Normal working concentration 0.15% w/v.
- Each vial supplements 500mL of medium.

Bile Solubility Reagent (2%) BTL/25ml
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Thermo ScientificTM RemelTM
Thermo Scientific™ Remel 2% Bile Solubility Reagent is for differentiation of S. pneumoniae from other alpha-hemolytic streptococci using the Spot Test or Tube Test.

Bismuth Sulphite Agar (MOD) 500g
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Thermo ScientificTM OxoidTM
Isolate Salmonella typhi and other salmonllae from pathological material, sewage water supplies, food and other products with Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid™ Bismuth Sulphite Agar (Modified Wilson & Blair Medium) (Dehydrated). Bismuth Sulphite Agar is a modification of the original Wilson and Blair Medium and is particularly useful for the isolation of lactose-fermenting salmonellae. The presence of bismuth sulphite and brilliant green make this medium highly selective for salmonellae.
Bismuth Sulphite Agar, Oxoid Composition
Typical Formula* | gm/litre |
Peptone | 5.0 |
`Lab-Lemco’ powder | 5.0 |
Glucose | 5.0 |
Disodium phosphate | 4.0 |
Ferrous sulphate | 0.3 |
Bismuth sulphite indicator | 8.0 |
Brilliant green | 0.016 |
Agar | 12.7 |
pH 7.6 ± 0.2 @ 25°C |
Bismuth Sulphite Agar, Oxoid Preparation:
Suspend 20g in 500ml of distilled water in a 1 litre flask. Heat gently with frequent agitation until the medium just begins to boil and simmer for 30 seconds to dissolve the agar. Cool to 50-55°C, mix well to disperse suspension and pour thick plates (25 ml medium per plate). Allow the medium to solidify with the dish uncovered. Larger volumes may be prepared if great care is taken and adequate head space provided.
Dry the plates before use but take care to avoid overdrying. Correctly prepared plates should have a smooth, cream-like opacity with a pale straw colour. There should be no sedimentation of the indicator.
Storage conditions and Shelf life
Store the dehydrated medium at 10-30°C and use before the expiry date on the label. Note the following comments:
Due to its contents of reactive and hygroscopic substances, dehydrated Bismuth Sulphite Agar quickly deteriorates when exposed to the atmosphere. This is usually indicated by aggregation into a solid non-friable mass, and by the development of a brown coloration. Medium reconstituted from such material is brown, does not become green on storage, and is characterised by loss of differential and selective properties. For this reason the powder should be stored in a cool, dry place and after use the container should be properly closed.
Prepared plates of medium should not be stored for longer than two days at 2-8°C; after which time the dye oxidises to give a green medium that can be inhibitory to some salmonellae.
Shigella species are usually completely inhibited.
Salmonella sendai, Salmonella cholera-suis, Salmonella berta, Salmonella gallinarum and Salmonella abortus-equi are markedly inhibited.
It is important that the spreading technique yields well separated colonies. The typical colonial characteristics will not develop if the growth is too heavy or confluent; Salmonella typhi colonies will appear light green in these circumstances. Therefore, when in doubt, almost any growth on the medium should be subject to further tests.

Blank Antimicrobial
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Thermo ScientificTM OxoidTM